Talend has created an integration platform that offers native support for Apache Spark and Spark Streaming.
The platform will leverage over 100 Spark components and is designed to allow companies to convert Big Data streaming or IoT sensor information into actionable insights.
Existing Talend customers will be able to convert MapReduce jobs to Spark, which will lead to a 5x performance increase and improve developer productivity 10x, as compared to hand-coding, the company said.
This comes as a result of the prebuilt Spark components and design interface which comes with an automated, ‘no coding required’ Spark code generation.
The company is also providing a built-in Lambda Architecture that offers a single environment for working with bulk and batch, real-time, streaming and IoT data.
Matt Aslett, research director, data platforms and analytics, 451 Research, said: "We believe Apache Spark has an opportunity to become the default in-memory engine for high performance data integration and analytics."
Additional features include support for continuous delivery, which is designed to aid integration development, testing, deployment and operations to work together.
Master Data Management, REST API and Query language support helps with embedding a 360-degree view of the customer into web and mobile applications. This means that customer insights from both traditional and new Big Data sources can be used in real-time.
Finally, data masking and semantic analytics are included. These allow organisations to manage compliance and privacy constraints, it helps to ease the process of concealing and securing personal data as it is shared.