Predictive analytics software provider SPSS has unveiled PASW Direct Marketing tool that guides and automates the analysis of customers, prospects and campaigns.

The company claims that analyses which previously required multiple steps and knowledge of statistical techniques for campaigns can be completed in minutes by using PASW Direct Marketing. It also allows marketers to perform analysis with six analytical procedures, including recency, frequency, and monetary (RFM) analysis, cluster analysis, and prospect profiling.

Built for business users, the new addition to PASW Statistics 18 translates customer and market data into improved results – in purchases, responses to offers, or increased loyalty and satisfaction. PASW Direct Marketing also allows marketers to improve campaigns to potential customers through postal code analysis, propensity scoring, and control package testing.

The company said that the new tool allows organisations to maximise the value of marketing by selecting the customers and prospects most likely to respond to campaigns.

Jason Verlen, chief product strategist at SPSS, said: “The top marketers are taking a mathematical approach to better understand customers and optimise campaigns. Knowing specifically which customers to target – and more importantly, who not to target – reduces marketing waste and quickly adds ROI and value, so marketing is no longer viewed as a business expense.

“PASW Direct Marketing – and all the new modules now available with PASW Statistics 18 – deliver incredibly robust functionality that increases the usability of advanced analytics on a single platform.”