Oracle has unveiled new StorageTek Virtual Library Extension (VLE), a disk storage that optimises tape processing in mainframe environments.

The mainframe offering is a part of Oracle’s Storage Tek product family that offers an integrated three-tier approach to storage (FC disk, SAS disk and tape) in a single offering.

The VLE allows customers to economically keep active data on disk longer before migrating it to tape for long term storage, and supports both mainframe and non-mainframe environments within a single library.

It also provides an integrated data protection offering with Exadata Database Machine, Oracle 11g Recovery Manager and Secure Backup software running with Solaris and Oracle Linux.

The VLE also integrates with third-party operating systems, open systems storage management products, and mainframe storage management software.

The company said that the integrated Virtual Storage Manager / Virtual Library Extension environment is the mainframe virtual tape offering that provides a single, policy-based management interface that migrates data between high-performance disk, high-capacity disk and tape tiers.

Oracle systems executive vice president John Fowler said the StorageTek mainframe storage business has been a driving force behind innovation in the industry.

"This innovative approach to mainframe tiered storage provides customers with a way to cost-effectively keep data on disk for longer time period while still leveraging the long term cost savings of tape," Fowler said.