IBM has launched new cloud analytics software, Coremetrics Lifecycle.

The new offering allows marketers to make the most of their interactions with prospects across all online marketing channels including: email, display advertising, search marketing and social media, based on real customer behaviour, said the company.

Coremetrics Lifecycle software removes the guesswork in determining which campaigns and content are effective with customers by providing analytics-based insight into how customer lifecycles speed up or slow down over time.

The offering comes with: prebuilt and customisable Lifecycle templates; actionable insights into online marketing program effectiveness, content viewed and products purchased at every milestone of the customer lifecycle; and integration with other Coremetrics offerings.

IBM Coremetrics chief strategy officer John Squire said the company is driving the transformation of online marketing into a useful, consumer-facing service that drives business results.

"We are dedicated to delivering capabilities that equip marketers with analytics-based insight into how customer lifecycles speed up or slow down over time, benchmarking current results against previous ones, and laying the foundation for consistently smarter marketing," Squire said.