Guernsey-based insurance service company Generali Worldwide Group intends to provide quicker response to customer queries by cutting down the email recovery time to less than 10 minutes.

Moving towards the objective, the company has implemented IT management specialist CA’s XOsoft High Availability and XOsoft Assured Recovery systems. Deployed by managed storage services provider, Redstor, the two systems are expected to slash email downtime and improve productivity.

XOsoft High Availability is a business continuity system that ensures data protection and restoration through replication of applications, databases and files, in case of data loss. XOsoft Assured Recovery enables the user company to test the application running on the standby server.

XOsoft High Availability, combined with XOsoft Assured Recovery, enables full testing of the recoverability of the application on Generali’s standby system. CA says that testing can be done several times a day and can be fully automatic or fully interactive.

Tamar Brooks, UK channel sales director for CA, said: “Today’s highly-competitive insurance market demands minimal IT-infrastructure downtime. Email is now crucial to delivering strong service to clients worldwide and this is especially essential to Generali Worldwide. Our range of XOsoft products is ideal to ensure swift and efficient business continuity and recovery.”

A subsidiary of Assicurazioni Generali, Generali Worldwide provides employee benefit based insurance services to companies operating across international borders and their internationally mobile employees. The group has its presence in 40 countries and is said to receive about 10,000 customer emails each day.

Ian Davidson, operations manager for Generali Worldwide Group, said: “With staff and clients all over the world, the Generali Worldwide Group relies heavily on the internet and email to provide responsive customer service. It’s imperative that staff can access email at all times to ensure business continuity and uphold customer service.”