GE Intelligent Platforms has unveiled new visualisation software Proficy Pulse, which claims to empower operators, engineers and analysts to view, analyse and co-relate real time operational situations and historical intelligence.

The company said Proficy Pulse, which comes combined with Proficy Historian, enables customers to consolidate disparate data into a single viewpoint. It consolidates operational and process data and  allows users to contextualise data within a single application, providing the ability to share with others via the web.

According to GE, the Proficy Pulse features real-time HMI, which provides users with the ability to view and interact with real-time data from operational devices, HMI/SCADA systems and other software. It can directly interface with native OPC servers like the Industrial Gateway Server (IGS) as well as other third party OPC servers.

The software also provides operators with the flexibility to switch to an analysis mode either for the entire display/s or individual elements on the display and supports interfaces like OPC, ADO, OLEDB and ODBC. Its Integrated Microsoft Visual Basic scripting allows developers to customise navigation, interface external applications, define actions and design composite applications within the Pulse environment, the company said.

GE said Proficy Pulse’s scripting engine allows users to define schedules that could be both periodic and event based to drive analytical and real time actions. The product participates in operational workflows and integrates with Proficy Cause+ analysis tools.

In addition, it integrates with Proficy Plant Applications to bring in interaction with the operational KPIs to the operator and consolidates all the operational systems into a single environment for increased efficiency and ease of operation. It comes with an integrated Change Management support tool that allows for application deployment, application versioning, disaster recovery and collaborative application development change control, the company added.