Elpida Memory, Japan-based supplier of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM), said that it had completed development of a 65nm XS extra-shrink version 1-gigabit DDR3 SDRAM.

The company said it is taking a two-track R&D approach that focuses on process migration and on layout innovations that reduce the cost of capital investment.

In addition, the company is developing shrunken chip versions through use of existing ArF dry scanner equipment along with migrating to processes such as 50nm and 40nm. A 65nm S shrink version was developed in 2008 and now a 65nm XS extra-shrink version has been completed.

According to Elpida, 65nm XS is a smaller version of the 65nm S and offers 25% more chips per 300mm wafer compared with its predecessor. The XS shortens the manufacturing process and helps to reduce equipment costs through the use of ArF dry scanner equipment.

The new 65nm XS version 1-Gigabit DDR3 SDRAM will target the PC and server DRAM market and production is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2010, the company said.