Golombek is thankful for SAP’s help in explaining what in-memory computing is, feeling that the company made it much easier for them to explain the advantages of EXASOL’s technology.
However, he doesn’t think the company has done a good job of offering a properly integrated suite.
Golombek, said: "On a technical level these suites aren’t integrated at all. If you look at SAP and their Business Objects strategy after they bought it, it was never really integrated and it seems they don’t have any focus on integrating it in the future.
"The same is true for Oracle, they bought so many products during the last 15 years and put it in one suite but didn’t integrate it at all. Today, because of the increasing needs of customers they are not just looking for the specialised and better best of breed solutions – they simply need it.
"They cannot cope anymore with a speed which is not fulfilling their requirements; they need specific solutions for certain problems."
Golombek sees the market as heading towards dedicated solutions rather than the integrated suite, he said: "In my point of view it’s definitely dedicated. I don’t say that because I’m a representative of EXASOL and have a niche product, that’s really the feedback we get from customers.
"We just gained a few customers that were Oracle customers for decades and they told us they got sick of the big vendors and don’t want to be totally dependent on these suites."
While customers may be opting for dedicated solutions over integrated suites, this isn’t necessarily the easiest task to achieve.
Golombek, said: "It heavily depends on the software infrastructure you are using. If you have a dozen of different Business Intelligence tools, normally you don’t just have an Oracle suite, you have certain departments using different BI tools.
"Data integration tools like Infomatica and Talend have made life simpler, Golombek described them as, "masters of integrating our product."
The complexity of change comes from the human resource aspect, he said: "From a business application point of view it’s not that complex to rip and replace a product inside the tech ecosystem.
"What is much more complicated is the human resource aspect. So if you change from an Oracle system to an EXASOL, you need to train on the stuff and you need to create a migration."
Golombek advises to start on a smaller problem, although there will still be a small amount of pain at first, it will then become quite easy.
EXASOL has been working in partnership with Tableau in order to turbo-charge the company’s software.
Golombek, said: "We created a certain kind of appliance, a Tableau Turbo, because Tableau is growing like hell – I think they have 30,000 customers worldwide already.
"We have now created a solution that is a very cost effective solution which can be used to accelerate your tableau analysis and that’s real-time in memory computing with an explorative BI tool."
The company has combined together three different products from Tableau, Alteryx and EXASOL works as the accelerator beneath the stack.