Construction company Balfour Beatty is using HybridCloud File Sharing application from Egnyte as part of the the Dallas Fort Worth Airport reconstruction.
Egnyte said its file sharing application allows the Balfour Beatty design team to reduce costs by 71% and cut down the volume of paper printing, saving 9,000lbs of paper in the process.
Balfour Beatty company has implemented Egnyte’s Local Cloud (ELC) to counter the slow Web connection that hampered the firm’s ability to access key drawings.
Egnyte application is being used by Balfour Beatty have security and control in setting up and managing folders.
By syncing a copy of the data behind the firewall and inside the network, Balfour Beatty was able to eliminate the need for more bandwidth and increase the speed at which users could access drawings.
DFW Airport Development and Engineering vice president Perfecto Solis said, "Egnyte provides our partners at BARC (the joint venture on the project, which includes Balfour Beatty) the flexibility they need and the security we require."
Balfour Beatty project manager Jeff Pistor said, "We use Egnyte as the backend storage and iPads in the field as the display device, assuring us that everyone in the field has access to the most current drawings and greatly reducing the risk of a subcontractor working off the wrong plans."