Yebol has launched a new semantic search engine, to provide users with a search technology platform aimed at better results.

The company said that the new semantic-decision search technology’s advanced application of algorithms paired with human knowledge results provides truly human-like world’s knowledge base and makes it possible to generate search results displayed on a single page.

Yebol said that it has adapted its user interface, by pioneering a categorical tree system, capable of expressing a true homepage for any given search term, while also visually displaying results matching user intent. A single decision search result parsed into a tree format yields a compendium of a topic, in categoric summation.

According to Yebol, the new search engine’s format utilises a combination of algorithms paired with human knowledge to build a web directory for each search term. It automatically clusters search results into highly-concentrated and well-organised groups of term-specific categories.

In addition, the user interface then edits these groups of categories and generates a display of the results in an easily utilised results tree. The resulting single page snapshot allows users to scan various types of results to find exactly the information they are seeking, the company said.

Hongfeng Yin, founder and president of Yebol, said: “In order to win user trust, we knew our format had to apply to all possible search terms. Google’s success in search has been in no small part due to consistency of results – users know what they are going to get each and every search. Yebol is now equally as reliable, but offers a far richer results return, versus Google’s indexed approach. Yebol provides more comprehensive and more accurate results.

“Yebol is geared to generate knowledge-base results not only for all possible current search topics but also to adapt itself to process and include new search topics as they develop in the future.”