Companies looking for a data centre service provider look for price, company reputation and good service level agreements.

72% of respondents selected the company’s background and reputation as a key criterion, 20% more than in 2012.

Service Level Commitment was cited as important with 70% ranking it as a very significant standard when selecting a colo provider. 56% voted Facility Technical Specifications as important.

Taylor Man, Executive VP of the Cloud Business Division at NTT Com Asia said: "Companies nowadays want more than a ‘service’, but rather a holistic data centre ‘experience’ based on tailored customer requirements.

"Providers need to cultivate a strong relationship with clients right from the beginning – from initial project planning, to implementation, to control monitoring, to round-the-clock support, and to always-on operations."

Unsurprisingly the NTT Communications survey found organisations pay special attention to value-for-money when signing a contract.

The study surveyed 100 IT decision makers from Hong Kong.