NTT has acquired a 86.7% stake of e-shelter, boosting the company’s data centre space in Europe to 92,000 sqm in nine cities. This is up from 19,500 square meters in four sites across the UK, France, Germany and Spain.

The company said it will continue to expand its data centres to offer global seamless ICT solutions in the European continent.

German e-shelter is a designer, builder and operator of high-availability data centres. It operates over 70,000 sqm of server room space, including 40,000 sqm at its main site in Frankfurt with additional spaces in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich, as well as in Vienna and Zurich.

Clients of e-shelter include providers of financial, telecom, IT and cloud services, and governmental institutions, according to NTT.

Akira Arima, NTT Com CEO said: "e-shelter is a growing company offering high-quality, highly extensible data centre capabilities.

"We look forward to expanding our share of the EU’s overall ICT market in partnership with this potent company.

"We will continue to invest in data centres to help our clients secure their data."

Rupprecht Rittweger, e-shelter CEO said: "As our multinational customers expand beyond EU borders, and undergo rapid ICT evolutions, they are increasingly demanding globally seamless ICT solutions.

"To meet their demands ahead of our competitors, we believe that the best way to ensure e-shelter’s growth and development is in partnership with NTT Com, which has a commanding presence in Asia and is a leading provider of ICT services worldwide."

The EU data centre market is growing at 9% per year, according to Gartner.