Google has unveiled a revamped DoubleClick Ad Exchange, to compete with major players such as Yahoo and AOL in the business of online display ads. The company said that the new advertising exchange allows buying and selling display advertising space, by establishing an open marketplace where prices are set in a real-time auction, which enables display ads and ad space to be allocated efficiently across the web.

According to Google, with the revamped exchange AdWords advertisers will be able to run ads on sites in the Ad Exchange, using their existing AdWords interface, which means more sites for AdWords advertisers to run display ads on. Similarly, AdSense publishers will benefit from more display advertisers coming through the Ad Exchange.

Neal Mohan, vice president of product management at Google, said on the official Google Blog: “We believe that growing the display advertising pie for everyone will greatly enhance the web experience for advertisers, publishers, and ultimately users. The DoubleClick Ad Exchange will help create a more open marketplace and is a major step towards that vision.”

Recently, Google launched the Display Ad Builder to help businesses set up and run display ad campaigns.

In response to the new exchange, Yahoo said in a statement: We welcome these exchanges, and look forward to working with them and integrating with them for our partners.

Earlier in March 2008, Google acquired DoubleClick for $3.1 billion in order to expand its presence in display ads.