Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile and Telit Communications have signed a strategic collaboration agreement under which the companies will be working closely together on sales and marketing in their target markets and plan to jointly develop M2M products and services in the future.

The companies said that customers will benefit from integrated offerings for the networking of vehicles, machines, measurement and control modules, and other objects, as well as a range of customised services.

The agreement covers the areas of product development, including the simplification and standardisation of products sales and marketing. In particular, the companies plan to identify relevant target markets in the telematics, fleet management, navigation, smart metering (remote metering), vending machine and security segments.

Mark Busgen, head of business development for corporate clients at T-Mobile Deutschland, said: As the operator of an extensive, mature mobile phone network, the M2M market offers us enormous potential for growth. For an especially innovative M2M supplier like T-Mobile, partnering with Telit will enable us to exploit this potential even further and lastingly expand our customer base. Telit understands what users need and therefore represents an important partner for us.