Dell has launched its new air deployable and customisable data centre application, Tactical Mobile Data Center, which will cater to the IT needs of organisations that operate in remote locations including military.

The new data centre application will allow customers to deploy a flexible IT infrastructure anywhere in the globe to help in remote operation.

Each of the components of Tactical Mobile Data Center is contained in weather resistant ISU-96 containers that are 3G Flight Certified to be transported via military fixed-wing airframes or commercial aircraft.

Dell’s new release can expand customers’ current data centre and can be used as a back-up or recovery site to provide disaster recovery services or create new data centres in remote locations.

Dell Federal vice president and general manager Joe Ayers said many of its military and government customers are forced to deploy to remote environments, like combat outposts in Afghanistan, or even in more developed communities following a natural disaster.

"In today’s operational environment in order to have access to the tools and information most organizations need to accomplish their mission, they must also have a robust IT infrastructure, and we’ve designed this solution specifically to meet the needs of these very special customers," Ayers said.

Dell’s Tactical Mobile Data Center application is comprised of at least two of the components, an IT Pack and an AC/UPS Pack. It operates on land power, generator power or both and utilises quick disconnect cables for power, cooling, and data.

IT Pack consists of three 42U – 15KW capacity server racks (45KW total), power distribution units and data connections (fiber, copper, or BNC). It can be customised with Dell servers and storage and each container holds up to 120U’s or 10,000 lbs.

The AC/UPS Pack comes with a glycol closed loop system that supports cooling capacity of the IT Pack, battery backup and power conditioning system and it supports structured or generated power feed.