Data centre solutions provider DataCentred has today announced that it has been awarded participant status for the European Code of Conduct for data centres ("CoC").

The code is of a voluntary nature and promotes the adoption of energy-efficient best practises amongst data centre owners and operators.

The increasing energy consumption in data centres, and the need to reduce the related environmental impacts, led to the creation of the EU CoC in 2008 to tackle the issue. Over the last seven years the organisation has been trying to persuade data centre operators and owners to reduce energy consumption.

The awarding of the status puts companies on the front line for selection critera and is also serves as a sustainability differentiator to potential customers

DataCentred is one of the newest and smallest data centre providers in the scheme which has 200 other members including Microsoft, The Green Grid, Intel, BT, IBM and EMC.

DataCentred’s energy management system will be looking at replacing legacy plant and equipment with new technology where energy efficiency is a key differentiating factor. The enterprise also said to be looking at further investments for additional metering systems which will measure and identify areas of excess energy consumption throughout the data centre.

Dave Smith, Operations Director at DataCentred, said: "Achieving the highest environmental standards has been at the core of DataCentred’s ethos and business strategy since conception. By working in line with EU Code of Conduct guidelines we can truly demonstrate to our peers and customers that we are actively striving to optimise the energy efficiency of our data centres.

"By following the simple steps contained within the Code of Conduct Best Practises our company and customers immediately benefit from reduced energy costs, a better environment within our space and as such a reduced impact on the wider environment."