Secure mobile device management firm Zenprise has introduced its Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Tool Kit which provides CIOs and IT administrators with tips and resources that enable them to safeguard the enterprise while allowing employees to use their device of choice.

The Zenprise BYOD Tool Kit features Rogue Device Assessment; Enterprise Mobility Executive Checklist and Mobile Security Framework and Whitepaper.

Rogue Device Assessment will identify all potentially unmanaged BYOD devices on a corporate network and the assessment includes a report that details by user device types and operating systems and the frequency of device connections to the corporate network.

Enterprise Mobility Executive Checklist is designed to provide best practices to organisations to roll out a BYOD programme and the checklist outlines key management considerations for deploying, securing, and managing the mobile enterprise.

The Zenprise Mobile Enterprise Security Framework provides administrators a structure to assess monitoring, controlling, and protecting mobile devices, applications, networks, and data and it include Mobile Security Intelligence.

The Zenprise Security Whitepaper includes enterprise-grade mobile data leakage prevention (DLP) offering for managing and securing the growing number of personally owned devices entering the workplace.

Zenprise’s Enterprise Security Framework offering includes Mobile Security Intelligence and the Zenprise Enterprise Mobile DLP offering.

Zenprise CMO Ahmed Datoo said many companies fear BYOD, but Zenprise believe BYOD is a great opportunity for enterprises to mobilise their business.

"Our BYOD Tool Kit takes the fear out of BYOD and lets IT say yes to mobile device choice," said Datoo.