Organisations are having to spend more than £507,000 on an average to recover from security breaches.

The cost of recovering from damage to virtual infrastructure is twice that seen from attacks on physical infrastructure, according to Kaspersky’s Security of Virtual Infrastructure report.

The report highlighted that on an average SMBs spend around £38,000 to recover from damage to virtual infrastructure, while they have to spend £16,400 for damage recovery of physical infrastructure.

According to Kaspersky, the cost of a security breach affecting virtual environments is more because companies are more dependent on virtual infrastructure for their business.

An attack on physical nodes only leads to the temporary loss of critical information, but an attack on virtual environments can do more damage.

Attacks on virtual environment are more frequent with 66% of the attacks targeting virtual servers and desktops, while only 36% of the attacks are physical.

Businesses have to seek help from IT consultants, lawyers, risk management experts and others to fully recover from virtual attack, which adds to the cost.

The incorrect perception of the threat landscape and the complexity of security measures in a virtual environments also increases the damage recovery cost.

However, the report also showed that 42% of the businesses still believe that security risks in virtual environments is less in comparison to the risks involved in ‘physical’ environments, and 45% of the companies find security management in virtual environments as a problem.

Around 62% of companies are using virtualisation platforms, yet only 27% of businesses have deployed security solutions customised for the virtual environment.