International affairs research and intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting (Stratfor) has relaunched its website, following an attack on it by hackers two weeks ago, which led to compromising of data of high profile clients such as former US Vice President Dan Quale and Henry Kissinger.

Strator said that the hackers, supposedly from Anonymous Group, who stole credit card data early in December, returned on the Christmas Eve to attack four servers.

Security experts were quick to warn the company, which did not store much data on its system after adequate encryption.

Stratfor Chief Executive George Friedman said the hackers claimed to have possessed transcripts of email correspondence with 100 Stratfor employees.

Freidman said there was no evidence as to who was siding with the hackers, while maintaining he would not prefer the emails to be made public.

Freidman accepted blame as the CEO of the company, which had about 300,000 paying customers prior to the attack, including politicians, government officials and business executives.

Stratfor spokesman admitted some subscribers had trouble accessing the new site as they adjusted bandwidth to meet demand.

Stratfor had worked closely with security personnel from Verizon Communications, who investigated the attack on their behalf.

There were also reports that the company would switch to third-party to process credit card transactions in the future.