Royal Mail has launched a certified identity service that connects with Gov.UK Verify.

This service enables users to prove who they are online so that they can gain access to a wide variety of government services.

Some of these services can include viewing driving licence information, getting their pension statement, and applying or extending universal credit.

The verification process works by ‘verifying’ user information such as name, age, gender, address, and date of birth.

Additional information such as passport number or driving licence number can also be used for further verification.

This verification process will make sure that the end user is the real person whom they claim they are and can help in reducing identity thefts and fraud.

The verification will grant a unique username and password for each user. Thus, the need for storing each and every user’s information in a governmental database will be reduced.

At present, there are nine digital services available which include claiming tax refunds, getting pension statements, submitting tax self-assessment forms and applying for universal credit.

The UK government has plans to roll out another 15 digital services in the next 18 months. These will include amending driver records, applying for child maintenance and signing a mortgage deed.

Out of the nine certified services, Royal Mail has been chosen by the Government UK Verify to act as an ID service provider.

As universal service provider, Royal Mail is entrusted with the delivery of mail to the UK’s 29m addresses.

The secure management of complex data, in particular the Postcode Address File used for delivery, is at the core of the company’s expertise.

The service has already verified as many as 470,000 people through Government UK Verify.

The government hopes that in the coming years around 10 million people will be using this system.

Information supplied as part of Royal Mail or other identify service providers will only by used to confirm the user’s identity and authenticate the applications.

Royal Mail Data Services, managing director Jim Conning said: "Royal Mail has a long track record of supporting its customers with data-driven services from managing the Postcode Address File we use to deliver to the UK’s 29 million addresses, to helping more than two million people a year move house without facing the risk of ID fraud with our Redirection service.

"Royal Mail’s new certified identity service is part of our strategy to innovate and introduce new platforms where we can grow, while maintaining our leading position in the letters and parcels markets."