About 56% of consumers consider the data stored in personal computers is more valuable than the expensive device itself, a new survey by B2B International and Kaspersky Lab reveals.

Users were concerned about their photos and documents as more precious than even costly hardware, the report noted.

When hit with a malware attack, over 61% of them were not able to recover all of their data stored on the PC, with one in five of malicious attacks ending with the loss of personal data.

According to the security firm, personal data has turned out to be a tradable commodity for cyber criminals as they steal valuable data and use it in more fraudulent schemes.

Report also noted that the extensive use of mobile devices has aggravated the circumstances, with each of the new personal smartphone or tablet providing the cyber criminals with more approach for attacks.

One of the Kaspersky’s earlier report revealed that over half of the Android-powered smartphone and tablet owners had not installed any security software to guard their devices against cyber-threats.

About 99% of the existing malware samples used against mobile devices have been developed for the Android platform, the report notes.

Android’s popularity and functionality has made it the most popular operating system for regular users as well as cyber criminals who use malware to pinch from these devices.