About 70% of IT professionals are targeted by phishing attacks at least once in a week, a new national survey finds.

The latest HP TippingPoint sponsored State of Network Security survey also highlighted trends related to data under attack in enterprise network hacks.

67% of survey respondents noted that consumer information was mainly targeted by hackers during a network breach, with a further 63% of them noting financial information was also vulnerable to attacks.

According to HP TippingPoint enterprise security products director Jennifer Ellard, a layered security approach, which involved awareness training, was necessary to thwart malware infections from phishing.

HP Solutions, Enterprise Security Products VP Frank Mong said: "Organisations are increasingly challenged to protect their networks from advanced targeted attacks, in fact, it is likely that most environments have already been breached with systems infected by malware.

"It’s important that IT professionals understand how attackers are trying to break through the network, and have confidence in their ability to mitigate attacks when every second matters."

About 7 out of 10 attacks originating from user activity are a malware infected host, with 6 out of 10 being malicious communications with the command and control site and more than half of them exploiting software vulnerability.

The report also noted that about 3 in 5 IT professionals are worried about Application DDoS and companies that invest less on security are not as worried about DDoS.