Security and threat management applications developer Kaspersky Lab announces has upgraded its Mobile Security with two new additions to its anti-malware and anti-theft feature set.

The features of the new version include support for the Web Management console that gives control over lost and stolen smartphones and the new Mugshot feature which takes a snap of the person who is using the device without owner’s permission.

Kaspersky Mobile Security’s new version will also safegaurd user’s data if case of lost or stolen smartphone is lost or stolen. It also helps customer to control the lost device using the special Web Management portal.

With the new portal, users can wipe the data on the smartphone or restore the factory settings, locate the device using an internal GPS receiver or block the device so the data stored on it will not fall into the wrong hands.

The Mugshot feature helps user to collect more data about a smartphone thief by taking photos of anyone using the smartphone using the front-facing camera through the Web Management interface.

Kaspersky Lab Mobile Products division head Victor Dronov said the new version will focus on anti-theft features.

"The new version of Kaspersky Mobile Security adds additional functionality in order to increase the chances of recovering a lost or stolen device," Dronov said.