Invisus has introduced identity theft protection service iDefend Business to protect entrepreneurs and their businesses against business identity theft and fraud.

iDefend Business includes proactive monitoring and identity restoration services for both the business and the business owners.

The service proactively monitors the Internet black market, underground sites, and other sources for business and business owner information, to provide early detection of compromised information.

When a problem is reported, resolution experts stand ready to take immediate action to protect the business and its owners.

Identity Theft Protection Association executive director Michael Barnett said thieves can easily obtain the information of businesses and their owners or officers; manipulate or file bogus changes to business registrations; impersonate the business owners to open or access accounts or lines of credit; illegally wire money; and manipulate business credit files.

Invisus recently accepted an invitation to participate in the upcoming the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) business identity theft forum to discuss the issue and identify solutions to further protect America’s businesses.

Invisus CEO James Harrison said entrepreneurs and their small- to mid-sized businesses, the backbone of the American economy, are in the crosshairs of identity thieves with fraudulent intent.

"Businesses across America routinely lose big dollars, which threatens the survival of small business owners, and the numbers are growing," Harrison said.