Cybersecurity CEO Eugene Kaspersky has announced once again that he is willing to provide the US government with access to source code.

The offer comes as the cyber security boss tries to prove his company’s innocence following concerns about Kaspersky’s Lab’s alleged links with the Russian government. Speaking to the Associated Press, Kaspersky repeated his offer to the US government and said that he is willing to cooperate.

“If the United States needs, we can disclose the source code. Anything I can do to prove that we don’t behave maliciously I will do it.”

Kaspersky’s comments follow a recent US Senate Committee recommendation to ban Kaspersky from American military contracts.

Nutanix HCIIn what could prove to be a loss of hugely lucrative business for Kaspersky, the antivirus chief has said that he is prepared to testify in front of congress that his company has no illegal associations with any government authority.

Kaspersky has also argued that his firm is far too big of a technological network to have staff tampering with data and causing serious risks.

He said that Kaspersky Lab is a major firm that employs many people and that such deeds wouldn’t go unnoticed by other staff members and security officials.

“It’s almost not possible,” Kaspersky said. “Because to do that, you have to have not just one person in the company, but a group of people that have access to different parts of our technological processes. It’s too complicated.”

Regarding the case, Kaspersky said: “I do understand why we look strange. Because for Russia it’s very unusual, a Russian IT that’s very successful everywhere around the world. But it’s true.

“We stay on the bright side,” he said following his interview with AP, “and never, never go to the dark side.”