BlackBerry has acquired two Android internet domains, leading to growing expectations on the company realising its first Android handset soon.

The Canadian manufacturer purchased "" and "", according to Reuters.

The firm de-emphasised the rumours telling the news outlet that "BlackBerry frequently registers domain names to support the breadth of our cross-platform portfolio. Android is an important part of our cross-platform enterprise software strategy."

John Chen, CEO at BlackBerry, said the company would only build an Android phone if it can "secure Android".

Adding to the speculation, BlackBerry and Google announced a partnership to develop a safer Android OS also last week.

The Canadian firm said it will take the security features of its enterprise solution BES12 to Android through Android 5.0 Lollipop and Google Play for Work.

BlackBerry said: "BlackBerry and Google are working closely together to set new standards in enterprise mobile security for organisations deploying Android devices.

"Android Lollipop delivers key enterprise functionality and addresses any previous enterprise security concerns. BES 12 supports Android Lollipop, allowing you to confidently deploy Android devices in your organisation."

BlackBerry has dropped its importance in the OS market, holding a minimal 1% share.