Cloud-based PSA software vendor Kimble Applications has unveiled Kimble for Sage Life, which is designed to provide seamless integration between PSA and finance.

Sage Life claims to help companies reduce delays, uncertainty, and wasted time by providing real-time, comparative analysis of their company.

According to Kimble Applications, its new pre-integrated solution is designed to meet the requirements of consulting organisations.

The Sage Life solution is built upon the Salesforce1 Platform and Kimble has said that it will improve the capabilities available to management consulting, embedded professional services organisations and IT services businesses that adopt the new solution.

It will provide real-time visibility and control of business performance by providing centralising customer, resourcing, delivery and financial information.

Kimble Applications CEO Sean Hoban believes that Kimble’s partnership with Sage is expected to accelerate its growth, and the new hybrid approach will provide customers more choices, speed to value and agility.

Hoban added: "Suites are a solution to a problem that no longer exists: application integration is a non-issue when everything is on Salesforce.

"If your business included product-selling, consultancy and training wouldn’t you want to source applications from individual software authors that really understand each of those domains?

"You would also want to combine those specialist vertical applications with horizontal applications from leaders in pipeline management, finances and human resources management. The next generation of business systems will adopt this approach – they’ll be mobile, social and you won’t see the joins."