Colt has started providing support for IBM’s Direct Link services to deliver hybrid cloud in Europe.

The move provides a private network connection from owner managed IT infrastructure to the IBM Cloud.

Through Direct Link, firms can manage access to their infrastructure and services, connection speed and data routing.

Colt business development director Gary Moore said: "As enterprises come to rely on the benefits of cloud architectures, such as scalability and development agility, IT departments are placing more business-critical and customer-data-dependent applications into cloud – and recognise the need to work with a supplier they can trust.

"Colt’s collaboration with IBM offers enterprise users access to secure and flexible cloud services, enabling them to scale out to the cloud in a reliable manner."

IBM’s Direct Link service, which was launched last year, features a physical network connection from a customer’s data centre, office, or colocation facility to SoftLayer’s data centres and private network through one of the company’s 18 network Points of Presence (PoPs) globally.