All articles by Tom Ball

Tom Ball

TSB eye up biometrics with new iris scanning security

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is behind this new security capability launched by TSB.

Hackers could catch up with Segway MiniPro with IoT attacks

Connected devices are everywhere and in some cases they pose not only a cyber risk, but a physical risk too.

London Stock Exchange, IBM partner on blockchain for SMEs

SMEs form yet another area that is targetted for disruption and improvement with blockchain technology.

New Google G-Suite alerts look to block unverified apps

What else will Google add to this broad array of new security features for G-Suite?

IBM share price suffers after revenue falls for 21st consecutive quarter

IBM are finding it difficult to gain traction in the cutting edge tech spaces, despite major investment.

Top 5 critical infrastructure cyber attacks

Eugene Kaspersky has warned that the potential for major attacks on critical infrastructure is very real.

Dow Jones S3 cloud carelessness leaves door open on WSJ customer data

The arrival of GDPR looms large in the distance as mistakes such as this put millions at risk.

AI gold rush causes mass confusion as vendors flood the space

Many startups and existing vendors eagerly purusuing AI are incapable of builidng or deploying the technology.

MasterCard fraud detection boosted by AI acquisition

The San Francisco based Brighterion has provided services to the likes of Homeland Security, responsible for the general protection of the United States.

Sadiq Khan: Making London the land of Silicon Valley opportunity

London is the leading tech city in Europe, and the city is building on strong bonds with cities such as Chicago.