All articles by Tom Ball

Tom Ball

Life on mars gets virtual reality treatment from HP

HP are not only helping humans imagine the future, the company intends to use VR to bring businesses into it.

Blockchain could save financial services $20 billion, say execs

Despite all the excitement and positivity, less than half of financial services executives have a plan for implementing blockchain.

Facebook AI goes AWOL forcing researchers to pull programme

The power of AI is evidenced here, as two chatbots were able to quickly develop a language more efficient than human communication.

Industrial cybersecurity weaknesses found in wind farms

As conversation builds on the topic of critical infrastructure being weak on cybersecurity, will a widescale review be prompted?

NoSQL specialist Basho enters receivership

Can this move result in anything other than liquidation?

Half of UK SMEs to spend under £1000 on cybersecurity

If business cannot get to grips with the severity of cyber risk, they will learn the hard way when GDPR arrives.

Andy Murray serves up investment in Revolut crowdfunding

The Revolut Series B funding round was oversubscribed, and investments far exceeded expectations.

Top 7 deadliest ransomware attacks

A consistent root cause of these major ransomware attacks is a lack of cybersecurity awareness, do not click on suspicious links.

SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch announced by Musk after $350m funding boost

SpaceX will launch the Falcon Heavy in November, the first commercial launch is set for 2018.

Financial Round-Up: AWS Props Up Amazon, Twitter Stumbles, Intel Breaks Records

Will AWS continue to keep Amazon afloat while it piles investment into new business territory?