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IBM opens Paris data centre

First Softlayer Cloud Center in France

Progress buys Telerik for $262.5m

Application developer houses combine

Six skills you will need to become a data scientist

Renaissance man, (or woman) revolutionary, a profile of the skills carried by the mythical data scientist

Big data analytics in capital infrastrucuture construction

A firm that worked on The Shard is now using analytics and visualisation tools.

From technology to business outcomes – changing a data centre firm

Q+A: Pulsant is a UK data centre and services firm that is rapidly evolving its business model. CBR spoke with Matt Lovell, CTO.

Intel’s Q3 results reveal divisonal breakdown

PCs still dominate $14.6bn revenue total

Qualcomm to buy UK IOT chip pioneer for £1.6bn

Cambridge based bluetooth, audio, wearable firm CSR snapped up

Hortonworks signs Avanade for enterprise big data deployments

Microsoft based services provider adds Hortonworks Data Platform to professional services

IBM takes SAP HANA to the cloud

Global data centre footprint key for deployment

5 key attributes of a brilliant Chief Data Officer

CDOs are on the rise across all sectors and are building value across the enterprise