All articles by Pete Swabey
Why edge computing is a double-edged sword for privacy
Edge computing can help to resolve some of the privacy risks of accumulating personal data, but it can also leave it more exposed.
The security challenges of edge computing
Why the distribution of data processing to the network’s edge may require a new paradigm for cybersecurity.
AI ethics in action: How Merck created its own code of digital ethics
Drawing on its experience in bioethics, the German research giant is among the first to design and implement its own ethical charter for data and AI.
Expect more cybersecurity fallout from the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Growing tensions between Russia and Ukraine could lead to attacks on NATO countries and collateral damage to Western companies, and may provide inspiration for cybercriminals.
Cloud giants may resist Bank of England’s resilience tests
The Bank of England wants to ‘access more data’ from cloud providers to tackle cloud concentration risk, according to reports, but they don’t fall within its jurisdiction.
Is ‘e-money’ a money laundering risk?
E-money, used in prepaid cards and digital wallets, has been linked to money laundering. But the risks pale in comparison to crypto, experts say.
Protecting the crown jewels: Cybersecurity resilience in the UK public sector
Back-ups, testing, awareness and culture are among the pillars of effective cybersecurity awareness, public sector tech leaders explain.
What the UK public sector learned about cybersecurity in 2021
The pandemic and ransomware outbreak have revealed strengths and weaknesses in the UK public sector’s cybersecurity defences.
Are smart speakers losing their voice?
Leaked Amazon documents reportedly reveal low engagement with its Alexa voice assistant. Has the potential of voice UX been overestimated?
CDIO Gina Gill shares the Ministry of Justice’s digital transformation agenda
Speaking at Tech Monitor’s Public Sector Technology Symposium, Gill shared how “real change” happens in central government.