All articles by John Oates

John Oates

Email attack on Parliament, don’t blame passwords

UK Members of Parliament had an enforced email holiday last month when all their accounts were frozen in response to a sustained attack.

The idea economy in the real world

Interview between CBR and Marc Waters, VP of HPE’s Enterprise Group,

Real world IoT: refined

If a chain is only as strong as its weakest link then a refinery is only as reliable as its…

Discover offers strategic glimpse of the future

Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s Discover conference in Las Vegas revealed the organisation’s next steps towards the hybrid-based, memory-centred enterprise infrastructure which…

Why storage will stay important

Storage used to be the last part of enterprise IT which was considered. NAS and SANs were typically used for…

Lessons for business from US cyber security strategy

This month has seen two important events for global cyber security – the updating of the United States government’s cyber…

Hybrid turns IT from providers to brokers

Many enterprises move to hybrid IT without really noticing or thinking strategically about what it means. It happens as a…