All articles by Joao Lima

Joao Lima

Severe floods in Leeds hit Vodafone data centre

News: Provider rushed recovery equipment to keep the site alive.

Internet of Everything, M2M & wearable tech: 10 IoT predictions for 2016

List: From security to internet protocols, the experts give their ultimate smart predictions for next year.

IoT, Safe Harbour & DCIM: 10 data centre predictions for 2016

List: As the world connects everything to the internet, the need for speedy localised data centres is set to just grow.

Edge analytics, IPv6 testing & M2M: 10 IoT wishes every CIO wants for 2016

List: All CIOs want for Christmas to make their year as smartly connected as possible.

DCIM, SDN & NFV: 10 data centre wishes every CIO wants for 2016

List: If granted, these wishes will give CIOs a smooth 2016.

“We will lead the IOT movement”, a force awakens, IBM’s GM for Internet of Things says its Watson platform gives it an edge

C-level briefing: Harriet Green, newly appointed GM of IoT at IBM says Watson based cognition computing will see it lead in IOT

5 smart IoT cars for driving home for Christmas

List: The ultimate vehicles to drive in IoT style into 2016 – treat yourself, the cheapest is £46k.

Autonomous, driverless & connected cars: Where are smart IoT cars taking us?

Analysis: Can the UK become a world leader in driverless cars?

Rockin’ around the Christmas tree with 5 top smartwatches

List: All the usual suspects feature, however the ranking has changed dramatically.

Scottish IoT start-up gets Barclays £500k boost

News: Banks plans £100m in finance for innovative companies in the UK over the next two years.