All articles by Jimmy Nicholls
EU commissioner slated for calling celebs ‘dumb’
Gunther Oettinger criticised the famous for putting naked photos online.
MasterCard launches live anti-fraud tool
Credit card company also testing out voice and facial recognition.
DARPA is working on ‘unhackable’ software
US agency makes announcement alongside $2m security contest.
FBI grass ordered Anonymous to hack UK
Close US allies targeted as part of sting operation against hacktivists.
Social network Ello hit by cyber squatters
PayPal, Gmail and Tumblr only some of the names already snapped up.
Craigslist job offers contain malware
Job applications lead to viruses on seemingly legitimate site.
Five biggest EC and US antitrust cases in tech history
As Google faces the EU we offer a chronology of mega cases against tech players.
Rumoured photo leak: Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift
Third wave of naked celebrity photos continue to emerge online.
CloudFlare offer free SSL for all
Web performance firm aims to double use of web security layer.
FBI launches malware tool for researchers
Academics and security buffs wanted for cybercrime intel.