All articles by Jimmy Nicholls

Jimmy Nicholls

Lizard Squad hackers deface mobile news site

Attack pattern deviates from usual methods, but Twitter seems to confirm culprit.

Fifth of UK retails failing to connect store and web

Almost half say biggest tech edge is learning buying habits of shoppers.

Phishing rises against non-Anglophone countries

Rise in fraudulent emails against Japanese banks indicates wider trend.

118 arrested for online airline fraud

Scammers attempting to buy tickets fraudulently and steal credit card information.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday spend to hit £1.5bn in UK

Peak spending to take place on Monday, with 125 million visits.

Vodafone accidentally leaked 1,700 phone records to Met

Met then analysed all the data received in error due to legislative obligation.

Syrian hackers celebrate Thanksgiving with Western attack

The Daily Telegraph and the New York Times among those defaced with hackers’ message.

5 lessons from SAP customers in UK and Ireland

SAP and its customers have a long year ahead of them, with plenty to improve on.

Kim Dotcom declares himself ‘broke’

Megaupload founder runs out of money due to 3 year extradition fight.

Hackers making 20 times their investment

Social network phishing pages cost less than £100, net £6,300 in 100 victims.