All articles by Jimmy Nicholls

Jimmy Nicholls

Red Hat zones in on Linux container market

Launch of Atomic Host boasts more features for software deployment.

What Freak means for the future of SSL encryption

Another security layer flaw lays open wider debates on backdoors.

Is UK doing enough to educate its citizens on cybercrime?

The latest drive to inform is part of a patchy government record.

Hackers to ‘double down’ on iOS attacks

Attacks on Apple devices catching up with Android strikes.

Demand for Linux devs soars among recruiters

Yet more demand qualifications despite increasing competition.

Botnet takedowns dent financial malware surge

Police action looks effective, but hackers are getting smarter.

Botnet takedowns dent financial malware surge

Police action looks effective, but hackers are getting smarter.

Botnet takedowns dent financial malware surge

Police action looks effective, but hackers are getting smarter.

Botnet takedowns dent financial malware surge

Police action looks effective, but hackers are getting smarter.

Heartbleed still prevalent year after discovery

Flaw in SSL security layer persists almost a year on.