All articles by Jimmy Nicholls

Jimmy Nicholls

Great Firewall of China implicated in GitHub DDoS

Research shows network can be corrupted to deny service.

SAP’s Klaus Tschira ‘opened doors for young talents’

Software firm’s co-founder dies aged 74.

Q&A: Importance of virtualisation with Egnyte CSO Kris Lahiri

Kris Lahiri, Chief Security Officer at Egnyte, a file sharing service, tells CBR what virtualisation can do for businesses, and where it is most important.

Mike Lynch sues HP over Autonomy ‘smear campaign’

Counter-suit follows $5.1bn case lodged in London on Monday.

A year after Heartbleed, half of Brits yet to change passwords

Warnings over password reuse fell largely on deaf ears.

Vodafone to offer contactless card payments

Telecoms firm strikes deal with Visa for easy purchasing.

Trojan Laziok targets global energy sector

Complex virus stops infection if it finds victim is uninteresting.

Dyre banking malware adopts evasive algorithm

Hackers behind the virus seek to avoid detection and blacklisting.

Tor moots crowdfund for Hidden Services

Developers want to invest in help box, speed and security.

Infor moves deeper into hospitality, utilities & chemicals

Wave of releases places software vendor closer to vertical markets.