All articles by Jimmy Nicholls

Jimmy Nicholls

‘Serious vulnerabilities’ on the Internet of Things

HP report raises more concerns about future of connectivity.

Are Android hackers using fake IDs to get into mobiles?

Bluebox says phones from last four years vulnerable.

Airbnb will provide shelter from the San Franciscan storm

Lodging app and website will look for charitable hosts on US west coast.

Mozilla unveils new chief executive

Firefox creator is doing its best to move on from Brendan Eich controversy.

Trojan Snifula is gaining ground on Japanese banks

The range of victims is growing, according to Symantec.

Porn fans free again after police ransomware disrupted

Kaspersky says as many as 200,000 mobile users could have been exposed.

Sony’s $15m settlement over PlayStation Network hack

Company inches towards compensation of breach against 77 million.

How Russian hackers can earn four million roubles

The Kremlin turns its attention to the Tor anonymity network.

Koreans are being targeted with memo malware

Symantec warns of trojan dropped through free car inspection offer.

Why cybercriminals are selling their wares online

Hacking, drugs and murder now at the click of a button.