All articles by Jimmy Nicholls

Jimmy Nicholls

Phonemaker Xiaomi responds to cloud messaging privacy fears

Chinese firm says it does not store users phone numbers.

GameOver Zeus returns to North America and Europe

Signs of trojan resurgence in the US, Ukraine and Belarus.

Why tech sector is helping Facebook in data seizure case

Social network was ordered to hand over data to benefit fraud investigation.

Tech’s mistaken consensus on workforce diversity

The surge against ‘pale, stale males’ is not supported by the evidence.

Londoners twice as likely to have electronics stolen from them

Individuals in the capital are targeted more often for tablets, phones and laptops, compared with the rest of the UK.

Why John McAfee blames Google for privacy erosion

Security pioneer launches complaints website BrownList to channel anger.

Meet the Epic Turla campaign that hacks governments

Malware employs mixture of zero day, social engineering and watering hole tactics.

Bitcoin hacker nets himself a neat $83,000

Unknowing miners have the fruits of their labour pinched.

Man arrested on suspicion of running piracy proxy

Intellectual property unit moves forward with anti-piracy campaign.

What the CyberVor record cache tells us about cyber security

CBR consults the experts on how we should respond.