All articles by James Nunns

James Nunns

World Back-up Day is Not Enough

World Back-up Day, a day that highlights the importance of backing-up important files, needs to evolve to remain relevant today.

Q&A with HCL – Industrial IoT: Benefits and barriers

Is Industrial IoT (IIoT) the next big thing? We sit down with HCL’s head of IoT to discuss.

“Large, High Profile Buyers Please!” Gov’t in Fresh Cyber Sector Push

Steps are being taken to continue strengthening the UK’s cybersecurity capabilities.

ICO Raids Offices Suspected of 200 Million Nuisance Calls

The 200 million plus calls the firm is suspected of making is one of the highest volumes the ICO has ever executed a search warrant in relation to.

Coming soon: Blockchain for Business

There is no doubt that blockchain is a disruptive technology which has the potential to transform industries.

Samsung Electronics in Management Shakeup

Move is intended to enhance board independence and comes as part of a broader shakeup intended to temper the influence of the founding Lee family.

NCSC in Cyber Risk Warning ahead of Local Elections

Concerns about interference in UK elections has been rising.

Is Technology Damaging your Health?

Are we too cavalier with the health risks caused by our devices?

How businesses are becoming smarter at prioritising security vulnerabilities

Security pros have to deal with thousands of vulnerabilities a year, so how do they prioritise them? Michael Roytman, Chief Data Scientist at Kenna Security talks to CBR about applying machine learning to vulnerability management.

Addressing poor password habits

Although many businesses require passwords to be a minimum length, a mix of upper and lower case, and to use numbers, the majority are failing to enforce any further password complexity requirements on employees.