All articles by Claire Vanner

Claire Vanner

Veeam MP eliminates single point of failure for virtualisation management

Enhanced fault tolerance enables Veeam MP to continue collecting data during failures.

Heinz and Reckitt Benckiser announced as launch clients of PlayCaptcha Pioneer

PlayCaptcha let you virtually spread salad cream on a sandwich to by-pass security.

Compuware APMaaS simplifies mobile, web and third-party problem resolution

New monitoring dashboards provide automatic analysis for performance, availability and third-party services.

CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap helps to achieve enterprise-class visibility

CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap allows next-generation management technology without cost or unnecessary risk.

UK security researcher wins first Microsoft $100,000 bounty

Bounty programme yields reward for James Forshaw after discovering design level bugs on 1E11 preview.

API: ‘The revolution in IT’

Mark O’Neill VP of innovation at Axway talks to CBR about Axway API management embracing cloud, mobile, social media and the Internet of Things.

Consumers waste a fortnight every year queuing and resolving complaints digitally

KANA finds consumers spend 10 days waiting in line and more than two days complaining each year.

New Verizon Cloud ‘brings the continuum of service to the table’

John Considine, CTO of Verizon Terremark talks to CBR about the launch of the new Verizon Cloud and how the company is building on its well-established history with the cloud.

Modular data centres proven as cost effective alternative to traditional build

White paper finds cost comparison of modular versus traditional build of data centres.