All articles by CBR Staff Writer
New IBM CEO: “We Have to Win the Architectural Battle in Cloud”
“We can make Red Hat OpenShift the default choice”
Gov’t Deal on Safety Announcements Puts Spotlight on Game-Based Advertising
Lockdown drives up hardware and digital sales as the industry delivers vital safety calls…
Out with Products, In with Outcomes: The Rise of Servitisation
Utilities, like manufacturing need an ERP and EAM upgrade…
“How the Heck did We Get Here?” Governor in Plea for COBOL Programmers
“how the heck did we get here when we literally needed cobalt [sic] programmers?”
5 Questions with… CybSafe CEO Oz Alashe
From first black Parachute Regiment officer, to CEO…
As 5G Conspiracies Trigger Mast Vandalisation, GSMA Urges Action
NHS director: “I am absolutely outraged”
Uncertain Times Call For Certainty In Your Supply Chain
It’s vital that organisations can adapt their supply chains when they experience unexpected risks.
Gov’t Relaxes Rules That Stopped Councils Holding Public Meetings Remotely
“It’s critical that they continue to provide essential services and find innovative ways to maintain important economic functions”
Remotely Run Automated Data Centres and Staff Safety as Coronavirus Crisis Grips Businesses
“Where we’ve taken it another level as even the normal day to day access of arriving and departing on the site is remote controlled.”
Amazon Detective Spots Unusual Behaviour Buried in the Data Logs
“You see, but you do not observe.”