All articles by CBR Staff Writer

CBR Staff Writer

New Pentagon JEDI Award Report Triggers Firestorm

But Inspector General says he was blocked from assessing Trump’s influence

Coronavirus May Overwhelm Public Cloud: Here’s What We Need To Do About It

“All businesses owe a duty of care to free up any critical resource”

Black Swans, Barking Dogs, and Changing Future Technology Thinking

Resilience can mean automation; it can also mean whiteboards…

Healthcare Data Sharing: “Public Dialogue” Needed, as Consultation Planned

The NHS’s 55 million patient records could be worth £5 billion per year

£2.5 Billion Cisco Financing Plan Defers Costs of Products Till 2021

“Balancing cash flow while maintaining robust network operations is critical given the impact of COVID-19.”

Heavy Patching in the WFH Era: It’s VPN + Home Broadband Fun Time

Plenty of patches and a handy “decision tree” from MSFT

COVID-19 Rocks PC Shipments, But Silver Linings Abound

‘Causing enterprises to shift their IT budgets away from PCs and toward strategic business continuity planning.’

Oracle Users, Brace Yourselves for a Mammoth Patching Session

273 vulnerabilities are remotely exploitable without authentication…

Infrastructure Insights: The Road to Intelligent Infrastructure

Integrating AI that can optimise your workload, taking into account VMs, physical servers, networks and storage.