All articles by CBR Staff Writer
New Pentagon JEDI Award Report Triggers Firestorm
But Inspector General says he was blocked from assessing Trump’s influence
Coronavirus May Overwhelm Public Cloud: Here’s What We Need To Do About It
“All businesses owe a duty of care to free up any critical resource”
Black Swans, Barking Dogs, and Changing Future Technology Thinking
Resilience can mean automation; it can also mean whiteboards…
Healthcare Data Sharing: “Public Dialogue” Needed, as Consultation Planned
The NHS’s 55 million patient records could be worth £5 billion per year
£2.5 Billion Cisco Financing Plan Defers Costs of Products Till 2021
“Balancing cash flow while maintaining robust network operations is critical given the impact of COVID-19.”
Heavy Patching in the WFH Era: It’s VPN + Home Broadband Fun Time
Plenty of patches and a handy “decision tree” from MSFT
COVID-19 Rocks PC Shipments, But Silver Linings Abound
‘Causing enterprises to shift their IT budgets away from PCs and toward strategic business continuity planning.’
Oracle Users, Brace Yourselves for a Mammoth Patching Session
273 vulnerabilities are remotely exploitable without authentication…
Infrastructure Insights: The Road to Intelligent Infrastructure
Integrating AI that can optimise your workload, taking into account VMs, physical servers, networks and storage.
Strategic Call Deflection: How Businesses Can Keep Customers Informed When Call Volumes Spike
There’s nothing worse than feeling like your calls are being avoided…