All articles by CBR Staff Writer
This Investigation Chased the Bitcoin Transactions of a Sextortion Campaign
Investigation provides intriguing, but limited snapshot…
IBM Rejects 0Day Disclosure: Remote Exploit Gives Root, No Patch Yet
“As for the default password, they say that they recommend to have it changed, but that’s a lie.”
The FCA is “Waving the White Flag” Over AML, KYC Processes
“Regulations stopped short of making Electronic Verification compulsory. This was, in our view, a missed opportunity…”
How the Internet Keeps Pace with the Surge of Traffic During a Pandemic
“The Tier 1 networks have been acting swiftly to identify and remediate any potential choke points and upgrade capacity from single 10Gbps to multiple 100 Gbps increments on specific routes”
Cambridge Adjutorium ML System Tweaked to Help NHS Fight COVID-19
“The system does not make treatment decisions about individual patients.”
Xilinx FPGAs are Vulnerable to “Unpatchable” Bug, Say Researchers
But how bad is it really?
IBM’s First “Pandemic Quarter”: 5 Key Takeaways from Big Blue’s Earnings
“In March, our software transactions stalled nearly overnight”
Five Questions with… Email Meter CEO Marianella Mace
“Packing up my life in just a few weeks to move with my doberman from the States to Madrid…”
“We Can’t Bring Humans to a Machine Fight” Darktrace on Building a Digital Immune System
“Cybersecurity’s next great challenge is Offensive AI”
Securing PLCs for the IoT: Selecting the Right Hardware
“These devices were not built with security in mind”