All articles by Cbr Rolling Blog

Cbr Rolling Blog

Improving Business Outcomes in a Networked World

Leo McCloskey, Chief Customer Officer for Actual Experience, on the importance of digital quality experience for the success of businesses.

A picture tells a thousand words: Visualising the mainframe for modern DevOps

Steven Murray, Solutions Director at Compuware, looks at the challenges of the mainframe in the app economy.

Ensuring availability during the summer season

Richard Agnew, VP NW EMEA, Veeam, looks at delivering 24/7 availability.

Zen And The Art Of Network Maintenance: the non-office of the future

Paul Clarke, Sales Executive UK and Ireland, 3CX, looks at the workplace in the era of enterprise mobility.

Technology takes over – customer service in the new age of the socially savvy consumer

John Crossan, VP of sales EMEA, Zendesk, talks about how businesses need to reassess the way they engage customers.

Complex systems – what makes for a successful implementation?

Simon Green, Head of Consulting at Rocket Consulting, on getting implementation right.

Responsible, relevant and thriving in banking

Banks need to put customers at the heart of their operations to thrive, and fintechs are presenting bigger and better ways for them to do that. By working closely together, collaborating and breaking down silos, each side can learn from the other and maximise the opportunity, writes Garvan Callan, Director of Customer, Digital and Innovation at the Bank of Ireland.

Big data, big opportunities, bigger challenges?

John Beal, Senior Vice President Modelling Services at LexisNexis Risk Solutions, reflects on the recent changes in the big data industry.

Cloud Software – Nursing the relationship between healthcare professionals and patients

Penny Nathan, Head of UK Sales Practice at Bluewolf, looks at how life sciences companies are dealing with the “age of the customer”.

Creating digital futures for the jobless generation

Hema Marshall, Head of Country Digitisation and Skills for Cisco UK and Ireland, looks at the digital skills gap.