All articles by Alexander Sword

Alexander Sword

What is Reddit?

Part social network, part media platform, Reddit is one of the most popular sites on the web.

What is Sprint?

Sprint is one of four big mobile operators in the US.

What is Bluetooth?

A guide to the wireless technology set to be integral to the Internet of Things.

What is Ajax?

How web pages can quickly respond without refreshing.

What is a GoPro?

These devices are used by extreme sports photographers.

What is Android?

A look at the world’s most popular smartphone operating system.

What is Google Hangouts?

An app that combines video, text and voice chat.

What is the Dark Web?

Behind layers of encryption, the Dark Web is used for a range of activities.

What is WikiLeaks?

The organisation is led by Julian Assange.

What is throughput?

What’s slowing down your computer’s throughput?