Con Driscoll, chairman of Zygal Dynamics Plc, chose the publication of the company’s annual results to resign saying that The repositioning of the group to improve earnings quality and ensure long term growth is now largely complete; in the last year the group has concentrated its interests on value-added software activities moving away from hardware distribution – its original business – where margins have been under pressure; Mr Driscoll said the change in the mix of business was responsible for the year’s decrease in turnover, he also said that Coulson Heron Associates Plc, the systems house which specialises on DEC hardware acquired in October last year, is now the major source of profit within the group: he admitted that the board has been having talks which might have led to a merger and that following the movement in share prices yesterday decided it was appropriate to request a suspension of the company’s shares; the talks came to nothing, and the shares resumed trading yesterday.