UCL Group Plc Friday announced its first acquisition since going public in April (CI No 668) paying up to UKP2m for Computer Factors Ltd. The acquisition is UCL’s second this year, following the purchase of Nexel Ltd in January, and brings the two largest dealers of Ultimate Corp’s Pick-based Honeywell and DEC products in the UK under the same umbrella. Like Nexel which has ex- clusive rights to Fortune Systems’ kit in this country, CFL sells Unix-based hardware, mostly IBM 6150s. It also deals in IBM and Honeywell PCs. In calendar 1986, Coventry-based Computer Factors made UKP146,000 pre-tax on turnover of UKP4.4m. The final level of payment beyond the UKP1.5m in shares upfront depends on profits this calendar year. Computer Factors will continue to be run as an independent concern under 80% shareholder Chris Creighton- Thomas – 3i held the rest – although it will now sell UCL maintenance alongside the hardware. Its two main software packages are Distributor, aim-ed not surprisingly at distributors, and Mailbrain, for mail order.