Since the acquisition of the Leopard tank about 10 years ago, the Swiss Army has been training its maintenance staff using microfiches as well as schematics, CBT and faultfinding sessions running on a mainframe computer. Recently the need arose for a new integrated training system that:

– refurbishes existing modules

– provides the users with a state-of-the-art front-end

– can be supported for the in-service time of the vehicle

– makes full use of state-of-the-art hardware and software capabilities.

The successful VEGA bid is based on technologies successfully used in the automotive, defence and aviation industries. The new system allows students to efficiently learn and practice their maintenance tasks in a classroom environment thereby reducing the time needed actually training on-the-job, a factor that is essential in a Milizsystem such as Switzerland’s where the soldiers have short periods of duty. The contract comprises some 30 hours of computer based training for tank electricians that are a combination of conventional CBT and fault finding/troubleshooting exercises developed using VEGA’s Equipment Emulation technology.

There will be versions in German and French languages.

The CBT makes use of an on-screen coach called Leopold to guide the students through the maintenance training procedures and provides them with context-sensitive support.

John Lewis, Managing Director of VEGA IT GmbH said: The award of the Leopard contract is particularly gratifying as it marks VEGA’s first training contract with the Gruppe Rüstung. VEGA Group PLC has a long and successful history of providing training systems to various defence customers and recently sees this success reflected in the defence communities across Europe.